Creativity & Creative Thinking

  • 24 Reasons Why a Zombie Apocalypse would be better than the Events of 2020 so far

    2020 has certainly been a year of surprises! There’s no denying that.

    To be honest though, I’m pretty sure many of us were secretly holding out for a zombie apocalypse, if the TV shows and movies of the past few years are anything to judge by!

    So I asked myself, what would this be like if this was a zombie apocalypse? And why would a zombie apocalypse be better than the events of the world we’re currently facing?

    Here are 24 Reasons Why a Zombie Apocalypse would be better than the Events of 2020 so far.

  • 3 Coaching Questions that will Change Your Life

    Nothing beats the power of a really good question to get your mind’s flywheel up and spinning, and these 3 coaching questions have the power to change your life.

    How do you know you’ve found a good coaching question? You’ll keep coming back to it, understanding it from different angles, over and over again, over a period of years.

    The following three coaching questions are the most powerful I’ve ever come across, and they will have dramatic long-term impact on your life if you keep applying them.

    Fair warning, even though these look like simple and innocent questions, they will catapult you onto a new level in your development path over time. Unpacking these can also greatly accelerate your development journey.

  • 3 simple ways to quell your inner voice in stressful situations

    When you’re in the midst of a tumultuous or stressful situation, like a break up or grief, your inner voice often tends to run rampant with every possible thought: things left unsaid, anger, frustrations, sadness and more.

    These three simple tools rely on your natural processes for dealing with this kind of situation, and are easy to remember and do, even when you’re feeling run down or completely burnt out.

  • 5 practical ways that 5D will change our day-to-day lives – with infographic

    As the shift and awakening continue around the world, what practical changes can we expect to see in our day-to-day lives as 5D becomes our new reality?

    The 5D reality and 5D are terms that you see bandied about a lot these days, especially if your favourite Internet haunts happen to be focused on New Age spiritual information flow.

    What is 5D though, what does it mean and how can practically expect it to change your day-to-day life? What does 5D actually mean for you?

  • 5 ways innovation can accelerate in a world without money

    What would happen to creativity and innovation if we could wave a magic wand and make budgetary limitations go away?

    How can innovation accelerate in a world without money?

  • 5 ways the system traps you and keeps you trapped

    The System is one of those concepts like they… everyone kind of has an idea of what it is, but it’s vague and no one can actually define it.

    What is the system exactly? What are the ways that the system traps you and keeps you trapped?

  • 5D business ideas

    5D business ideas

    So as the world and economy are moving, shifting and changing, many of us are starting to question how we make money.

    We realise we HAVE TO make money to survive in the 3D world, but for many of us, we can’t stomach doing exactly what we did before, and we’re looking for alternate options that allow us to transition to a more 5D way of being…. and allow us to survive the transition financially.

    Cos really, we are not much use as soldiers if we’re starving, freezing, and/or dead ;) LOL :)

  • 6 reasons why lightworkers, empaths, indigos, crystal children and other spiritual types don’t do well in the 3D or “real" world

    6 reasons why lightworkers, empaths, indigos, crystal children and other spiritual types don’t do well in the 3D or “real" world

    So I had a foray back into the “real world” with a project I did recently… and it was a stark reminder as to why I don’t participate in 3D anymore lol ;)

    I say lol… but maybe that’s a nervous laugh. 3D ain’t fun…. and the people in it are weird.

    I thought about that a lot with this project I was working on, and for a while I had been thinking about the differences between us spiritual types and the people out there. These are some of the most glaring differences I spotted.

    1. We’re too ethical
    2. We’re too honest
    3. We look for compromise - they want superiority and control
    4. We focus on our communication skills and language
    5. We’re empaths
    6. Money is not our God
  • 6 reasons you want to live in a world without money

    What would a world not driven by money look like? And what are the reasons you’d want to live in a world without money?

    Money is a powerful driver in the modern world, and for the most part, we’ve elevated it to the point of necessity. However, the truth is that money is not necessary to how we live our lives or structure our society.

    So take a walk with me as we imagine a world without money, and what that will mean for our day-to-day lives.

  • 7Ps of Ego by Life Coaches Toolbox

    The 7Ps of Ego will help you understand the seven most common ways in which your ego expresses itself, and when your Ego is being triggered.

  • 7Ps of Ego for Kids by Life Coaches Toolbox

    The 7Ps of Ego for Kids is reworked to help kids more easily understand how their Ego expresses - and get an early handle on this difficult concept.

  • A Course In Miracles - The Cliff Notes

    If you are interested in A Course in Miracles and would like to further your practice, but aren’t quite understanding the text, or are battling to read it, then this is a practical guide for daily actions to keep you in line with ACIM practice.

  • A Different View of the Judgement of God

    A Different View of the Judgement of God

    For we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.

    2 Corinthians 5:10

  • A healer's perspective on manifestation

    A healer's perspective on manifestation

    A thought just occurred... the whole concept of single-mindedly focusing on a goal when you're manifesting is really difficult to do, and it's where most of us fall over.

    And then I realized its because it's an unnatural process - it requires us to ignore the shadow: the doubts and fears etc.

    Those ego/shadow emotions are not emotions that like to be ignored - if you just avoid them, they only get louder and louder.

    Then I thought, there has to be a way or point that the alignment with the resonance happens instantaneously - as a revelation.

  • About Being Benevolent and All Loving

    The very idea that you should be able to feel love for them - that you even exist in the first place - that's the Ego trap.

    You will change and vacillate as you grow... sometimes you'll have hope, at other times you will feel disdain, at others complete disappointment.

  • An argument for patience

    An argument for patience

    Since achieving enlightenment in December 2016, barriers have dropped away that have enabled me to see the final connections on stuff that I just could never before.

    Like I knew the details of the morphic field, but I couldn't quite see actually how it worked and the mechanisms and how it really all fit in. Now however I can put my mind there and within a while the answer just comes.

    So at the same time, spiritual concepts have really made sense and I've really been able to apply them as tools. Concepts like faith, appreciation, patience, compassion, humility.

    The most fascinating of these though is patience...

    I've been actively applying patience as a tool.

  • Ask For Forgiveness Process

    Use the Ask For Forgiveness Process when you need to apologise to someone, and get their absolution.

  • Ask for Forgiveness to be Chosen for You

    The Ask for Forgiveness to be Chosen for You is an exercise you can turn to when you are not achieving forgiveness in any other way. It's so effective that you may want to skip straight to it in future though.

  • Astrological time of conception

    So what about using the astrological time of conception, if it can be calculated, as a map to understand the influence of your parent's relationship as it plays out in your life?

    So putting parental relationship influence into its own category like active memories, karma and generational patterns?

  • Back From Wonderland... Enlightened

    So I have really felt like Alice in Wonderland over the past month… the word is wow. We stop there cos no word is big enough to describe what I’ve experienced and seen. A small one will have to do.

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