People think us spiritual types are weird

People think us spiritual types are weird...

This was a tough one to title, not gonna lie, because it’s about how we are alienated and isolated by society as we grow spiritually, and some of the reasons why.

This post is inspired by chats with people who are SCARED and ASHAMED to show their spiritual selves; scared even to post a question on their feeds for fear of backlash.

This is something I was pondering when we did the group clean up - people are scared to participate outside of private groups and communities.

The 3D all-loving spiritual world doesn’t talk about this stuff often, mostly because they’re laboring under the misbelief that, as you grow, you will automatically become all-loving, and people will be able to ‘see’ what and who you are. This will automatically attract people towards you; making you a celebrity God.

This is bullshit - of the highest order.

How do we know it’s bullshit? If it was true that people automatically recognize a power greater than theirs, and are attracted towards it, then we would not have atheists at all. Also everyone would respect Trump and every celebrity and sportsperson would be admired by everyone.

The fact that atheists can be exposed to God and decide that God doesn’t exist tells you that PERSONAL CHOICE and PERSONAL BELIEFS trump recognizing energies in others. Or even recognizing others period.

The fact people can be polarized on a president or celebrity also tells you that no energetic attraction is guaranteed. In fact, Jesus was nailed to a cross and murdered. Only 300 (three hundred) people out of 260-million knew who he was - and the vast majority of people who knew of him, hated him.

Even in his time, Jesus wasn’t loved widely. And no single religion has ever been able to reach EVERYBODY.

There is NO guarantee that people will recognize greatness in you - in fact the very opposite is more true.

Atheists are a great example of the kind of people who dislike us in fact… their entire spiritual view is based on the idea that humanity, ergo themselves, are the pinnacle of creation.

Do you honestly think that someone who thinks they are the pinnacle of creation, higher even than God, because God doesn’t exist, is going to ALLOW themselves to feel inferior to you? To hold you in awe and admiration? Of course not! Especially when you hold yourself inferior to a divine being. At minimum this means they’re third in line. That’s one hell of a demotion lol ;)

So they’re going to do what ego does when it feels inferior - they will aim to establish themselves as superior to you, to show you who is in charge and in control.

This is pure mirrors in action. Read more about using mirrors at

People don’t want you around, or to get to know you - they want you to spend time WITH THEM, in their environment, where they feel comfortable, doing what they want to do, and speaking about what they want you to speak about. They also want you tell them how wonderful they are, their choices are, and how you never want to leave. And then you must go home before you irritate them.

You have to remember this when you’re dealing with people, because this stage of the journey that you’re on REQUIRES you to stand firm and validate yourself internally.

The reason for this? You have to validate it internally when you cross the Ascension Barrier. If you can’t validate it for yourself then you can’t cross - and you can’t fake that.

So you can know what the test is beforehand because you can’t fake the resonance… but you can know why it’s important that you get this internal-external validation balance right.

The lessons of external validation are all about getting you to validate yourself and your journey internally, and FOR REAL (energetically), so that you can cross the Ascension Barrier. This is why lessons of external validation keep coming up, and why the answer stays you have to validate internally.

As a result, you will lose relationships with people where they want you to wear a specific mask, because your journey requires you stand firm on something that they want presented differently.

Over the years I’ve had more than a few of these relationships ending, from romance to family to friendship to professional - and I’ve run the gamut of ‘reasons' over that time.

Below are some of the more common reasons people can’t tolerate us, and how it conflicts with the spiritual journey.

Changing too quickly

This one comes up so often it’s a little scary.

People want us to stay the same - be constant and consistent. We’re all about growing and changing…. and speeding that up to the point of performing miracles.

What is a miracle? INSTANT change on a MASSIVE scale.

So we’re working towards a point where we can change things instantly in ourselves, while getting up to 300 insights or aha moments a day, and every single aha moment changes our personality a little bit.

300 tiny changes can add up to a lot of change. Now multiply that by the days in the year and you’re starting to get an inkling of what they see… they have no idea who you’ll be or what you think when you walk in the door tomorrow.

They think that’s a bad thing… for us it’s the goal.

More than that, we’re trying to grow that ability so much that we can hold the space and believe FOR someone who cannot believe in instant change themselves in order to accept a miracle of healing.

So we’re growing our ability to change to be strong enough to overpower someone else’s doubt that change can happen… and then trying to have sustainable relationships with people who want us to be consistent and stay the same. Oh and not have emotional ups and downs.

Well an emotion is a just a whole jumble of thoughts… and we’re good at processing LOTS of thoughts in a short time. So that happens as emotional ups and downs.

Read more on emotions and thoughts at

Do you see the conflict?

So now you have to ask yourself…. do you want to be a miracle worker, or do you want to have half-baked relationships with people who don’t give a damn about who you are?

You’re gonna feel lonely either way - you would never have started this journey if you were happy and didn’t have something to fix in the first place. But at least with the miracle worker route you can perform miracles.

LOL miracles are great for keeping your mind busy ;)


We’re intimidating - and it’s not smoke and mirrors. In fact, many of us get more spectacular the closer you get.

This flies in the face of convention… people are used to seeing the mask of “this is my best self” presented when they first get to know people, and then discovering the flaws as they get closer.

We do this all backwards… we wear our flaws out there on our sleeves, and will probably tell you about the latest ones we’ve identified in the first chat lol ;)

Then as you dig further, you discover all these layers of hidden talents… and if we have a flaw that is discovered, we can change it and overcome it - which looks like magic to 'them that cannot change at all’. (LOL 10 points if you know which movie inspired that turn of phrase!)

And as we open up even more, you get to see that we are genuine and kind hearted and loving and compassionate and firm, but not in a way that panders to ego desires and instant gratification.

For the most part, they can’t process that we even exist, because a person like us is so far outside their frame of reference - they have paradigm blindness to us. Read more on paradigm blindness at

So, as Ego always does, when it perceives someone as being superior, it feels inferior.

This was really driven home for one day when my then-partner asked me if I look down on people with the spiritual knowledge I have - if I see them as inferior? I was shellshocked… because I am of the opinion that anyone can do this if they apply themselves and do the work.

But my then-romantic partner’s seeing me as superior made him feel inferior - and he couldn’t handle feeling inferior. And this was three YEARS into the relationship.

Too smart and a know-it-all

We can see and understand things they can’t even follow us speaking about - and most of us are scary fast.

In fact, half the time we’re talking, those listening often can’t understand half the vocabulary and jargon we use - let alone understand the sentence. We are literally speaking Greek to people. If they can even keep up with the flow of words to begin with, or the amount of details and facts they have to remember to hold the thread of conversation with us.

The funniest example that pops to mind to was saying I couldn't attend a meeting with a colleague because I would be performing an exorcism with a shaman that afternoon - the group of people concerned thought this was ridiculous. It became an ongoing point of teasing and ridicule. I’ve performed multiple clearings and entity removals… exorcisms is something they only think of as happening in FICTIONAL horror stories though.

I remember another conversation about a physical ailment a lady had, and I was teaching her how to massage and shift lymph. She was so disgusted at the idea that she would burp, fart, have her tummy make bubbling sounds, have her tummy work and potentially even throw up, that she never spoke to me again basically.

Luckily I stopped before I pointed out that it’s her disgust at her natural bodily functions that is likely causing her irritable bowel issues anyway. Ironically, she never missed an opportunity to ridicule me about ‘drinking too much water’ when the group got into it.

So I’m weird because I can help someone in a way that they can’t even conceive, because I have simple solutions to an ongoing (and expensive) medical condition, and because I drink water instead of fizzy drinks, because I don’t like to put poison into my body or pollute unnecessarily.

I’m weird. Somehow all of this makes me an inferior person in their eyes. A joke.

We just don’t think the way secular people think.

We learn and do things at the speed of light, and we get faster and more adept each time we shift, because we go higher up on the human consciousness scale ( ), access more knowledge in the field, and are able to access more mental processing power.

So we become a crucial resource for answers - and resented because we have an ability that others don’t have and can’t understand.

This makes people reliant on us for answers and solutions, which is a problem when they don’t like being around us. This is how you land up in those jobs where your boss seems to hate you and you can’t figure out why they keep you around, but they also act as if you’re crucial.

You are crucial to them and their money making - if you go away then it impacts them. So they’re stuck with you and yet can’t stand being around you at the same time.

Being crucial to any system is the quickest way to get resented, because you get noticed when you’re missing. So you can’t withdraw, and you have to stay engaged. It becomes mentally and emotionally exhausting, and in many cases, you land up defaulting to ‘getting medically ill’ to use sick days and avoid going into the office environment.

I left a work environment after many years, and the company took a hell of a knock without me, I discovered when I was chatting to my old boss a few years later. It threw them into a tailspin. I tried going back to work with him for a few months a few years later, and it just didn’t work out - he couldn’t get past the fear of me leaving; so much so that he wanted me in the office all the time, wanted me visible all the time. I felt suffocated.

Like most journeyers, I become more hermitted as I grow and advance - being at someone’s constant beck and call wasn’t going to cut it for me. So all that happened was I retreated more, and he tried to exercise more control. It wasn’t pretty. Especially because I had lost most of my fear by then - so I pushed back.

And then we take that one step further with the intuitive ability and we TRULY start freaking people out…. if you know that much about other people, then what can you see about them?

Most people are ashamed of who they are internally, and try to keep as much of themselves hidden as possible. For people like us, who live out loud, it doesn’t even register that we would wear masks in situations - we just are who we are, all the time. We show the truth of whatever and whoever we are in that moment.

This invariably means we don’t afford people the ‘respect’ they think they deserve because we don’t really see status, and also means that close people don’t feel ‘special’ enough to us, because we tend to treat most people the same way.

So one hand we know too much and are too close, and on the other hand we know nothing about their world.

As a result, we all walk around changing feet and standing on toes.

The conflict is that we’re learning to be authentic and consistent in all areas of our lives - always showing ourselves truly in other words. This polarizes societal norms… which we’re only dimly aware of anyway lol ;)

Not doing the work for them

People are so willing to accept help when you do it for them… come to their house and do the treatment on their skin, do the healing for them, remove the entity, unpack mirrors with them… but they are loathe to do the work themselves.

And they resent you for expecting them to do it themselves.

So if you give them a daily tool, you have to give them reminders to use it. If you prescribe a treatment, you have to go to their home and do it. If you assign homework, you can rest assured that 90% of the time it is ignored - even if you make tools available freely.

This is the silver bullet, miracle, quick fix thing at play again… people want you to do all the work for them, and fix them in ONE miracle healing, lasting no more than an hour. And they want to be MORE advanced than YOU by the end of the session.

You can do this with band aid sessions… and often the person walks out feeling great in the moment, or they have to wait a couple of days. And then by the time they’re feeling better they don’t think it has anything to do with the healing.

And they totally forget that fixing one thing only brings the next to the surface… and so when the next layer arrives to shift, they project onto you that you are a failure. Or if they have to keep working on the issue because there’s another layer, then your healing failed.

(Wow just had a HUGE deja vu as I was writing this… definitely dreamed this moment ;) Little lovebird climbing up my screen while I type this lol!)

So back to the you being a failure… it’s like drinking one glass of water once, and then complaining that you are thirsty three years later. 'But I drank water once!'

They can’t resent themselves for being lazy, but they can resent you for not being able to help them, to heal them. And then they love to use that as an example of how useless YOUR spirituality and healing is… which is ego’s way of establishing superiority.

I mean if it didn’t work for them, then obviously there can’t be any truth to it. There can’t be anything wrong with them of course. Pointing out their lack of belief will only serve to make you more of a target… as will engaging in any spiritual debates.

Spiritual debates are another way of forcing you to do the work for them: you are BUILDING faith for the person you are debating with. The problem with this is, even if you convince them, they have no skills inside them to maintain that faith.

The only thing you achieve when ‘converting’ someone to your way of thinking through discussion, is to ensure that they will backslide and lose faith. This is because the faith was never theirs to begin with: they just piggybacked off yours.

Convincing someone of anything - even an emotional change - is a bad idea; because it’s always built off your faith, belief and resonance.

If someone makes a decision based on an emotional change that you convinced them of, you are guaranteed they will blame you for that in perpetuity.

The best solution is to help people reach resonance using a tool like mirrors. Free online mirrors tools at

You paralyze people when you do the work for them, and you make them reliant on you. You ensure that they will NOT have the skills to deal with a similar issue down the line.

Everybody has the ability to heal themselves, but they’ll only find it when forced to. And you can rest assured that 90%-plus of people will NOT respond well to being forced to do the work themselves.

Those 90% are only looking for an audience for their life, a willing ear to complain to, and someone who will tell them how advanced they already are, and give them teachings that they ALREADY agree with.

9 out of every 10 people you meet are primed to disagree with you and dislike you - and that’s before you’ve even opened your mouth.

This often feels like a losing battle because it is a losing battle from the outset.


We know what we want, or at least can figure it out - and we tend to express that in relationships.

We also tend to say what’s on our mind, the latest rabbit hole we’re exploring, the latest knowledge we’ve gained, and we share our emotional states with strangers in a way that most secular people would be afraid to talk to a therapist or shrink.

Our honesty and openness is intimidating and hugely uncomfortable for people.

It’s going to get worse as you meet other advanced souls that you can be honest with… eventually all your social niceties will fall away.

In order to do the advanced journey, you HAVE TO get honest with yourself… and you’re going to be discovering whole new levels of honesty as you go along. Believe me, you’re gonna get WAY more honest.

Our starting points were offensive to most people, and most of us have pushed the envelope so far that we don’t even realize how abnormal we are, and our lives are, already.

Scale back on the honesty though, and you’re quickly going to be complaining that you feel ‘stuck’. It’s the price.

The best way to deal with it is to run every single situation through mirrors as it arises, and make sure your Ego mirrors are as clear as possible. Free online mirrors tools at

Past a point where you have cleared the mirrors, or most of them, you will have to start practicing acceptance of other people’s reactions. This is a God-level lesson of free will - people have free will and you HAVE TO honor it.

We can’t change the fact that we live in a world that doesn’t accept us, but we can leave behind models and understanding that help others grow in future, and make this easier for them to understand.

We only have this lifetime to leave behind our knowledge - honesty is how you get to the point of being able to speak out.

Every time you’re honest and stand your ground, even though it’s awkward, you are practicing to stand for God and use your voice. So face the discomfort and shame, and use the experiences to drop your mirrors.

And remember that we teach in a paradigm blindness window - you can only teach people a few levels below you and understand those a few levels above you. No one can understand the whole range of the scale at once.

So using your voice about WHERE YOU ARE NOW helps the people who are just behind you and in the same place as you. You do not need to know everything and be finished your journey to help people.

Read more about this at

Parent child relationships

This one blows my mind every time it happens - and it happens so much. People are jealous of the relationship I have with my daughter and stepson.

Like cut me off and kick me out of their lives jealous of the relationship we have. People have come to hate me for this.

This is not the only time this has happened in my life. I’ve heard from many they are jealous of the relationships I have with certain people, including romantic partners. They may admire it in the beginning, but after a while they will resent me for it. Often they just resent me from the start.

A popular one is that people like to think I force the kids to spend time with me, when the truth is I can’t get them to go anywhere or do anything without me. That idea never crosses people’s minds though, that the teens and young adults WANT TO hang out with me.

And even if they register my ability with the kids, and even ask for advice, you can bet any parenting advice I give will be written off.

In the same paragraph, people will praise my kids and then call me a bad parent… because I make choices they don’t understand. But those choices have led to an amazing relationship with the kids, and amazing kids.

I think, for me personally, the weirdest part is how terrible my childhood was. My best friend, who was orphaned at 11, said once: ‘the only thing worse than not having parents, is having parents like yours.’ In fact, my whole family can’t really deal with me - I’m way too weird for them. And I ask very piercing questions.

I had the background of terrible parents, strict religious upbringing, sexual abuse, sexual deviance, mental illness, drug use, eating disorders… all the big markers that all the lightworkers have. My background was far from sunshine and roses.

I’ve also battled epilepsy, chronic depression and suicidal urges and all the usual big traps journeyers face… and I was excited to come back and share this knowledge to help others. (Another huge deja vu - wow lots today!)

I never expected people would resent me for what I have and what I’ve built; what I’ve overcome.

The problem is that people only see us from the point that they’ve met us… they don’t know where we’ve come from.

So people see us having what they want - close relationships, inner peace, the ability to bounce back, tenacity and resilience, upbeat, high energy, dedicated - and then resent us for having it and not giving it to them. Like somehow us having it deprives them of the ability.

This is a huge Ego trap… Ego keeps them busy resenting us for having it, like that will transfer that ability to them somehow. All the while they’re just wasting the time they could have spent working on achieving that state for themselves.

Oh ja, but that involves actual ongoing work doesn’t it?

We can’t deal with the cognitive dissonance of people

Cognitive dissonance is the mental, emotional and psychic pain and tension you feel when they world outside conflicts what is happening inside you.

Like when you realize money doesn’t matter and all your friends are still very materialistic. Or when you realize that God is not all-loving but you’re surrounded by 3D people who are obsessed with the idea of all-loving.

So you get bombarded with the idea that you are useless spiritually, because they don’t perceive you as loving or approachable enough; usually because they feel inferior to you or your wisdom.

LOL that really makes me giggle… people honestly think that the measure of spiritual greatness is to NOT feel any inferiority. Recognizing another element’s superiority is the very measure of greatness… that being stands above the norm.

I don’t care who you are, you will never feel on a par with someone who is an expert in a field when you know nothing about it.

To recognize greatness means to accept that that person is superior in that area or aspect.

We’ve been reared on a diet of all-loving spiritual teachers, or Buddhas of Compassion; but now, many of us are coming through as Buddhas of Wisdom, so think more Metatron and Enoch than Jesus. You’re definitely more likely to be on that track if you keep encountering my work - that’s one of my threads.

This renaissance, like the times of the Prophets and Messiahs before us, brings NEW LAYERS of information - that means that what we’re introducing is NEW.

People do not like NEW… see above. They nailed Jesus to a cross for bringing a ‘new’ message… called him and his teachings sacrilege. Ironically, it’s Christians who are most likely to call us sacrilege now.

We would not be here to FIX this if there wasn’t a problem. We wouldn’t have to be among the people to change their mindset if they were already thinking in their right mind.

We’re only here to FIX this because what is going on currently is a mess. That includes the people.

When you pander to their thinking, the dark wins. Ego wins.

You FIGHT on the frontlines by standing firm in your beliefs - regardless of the persecution you face - because we’re fighting for the morphic field.

The only way to change the morphic field is to change the thoughts that are being put into it, and the actions inspired by those thoughts.

Take the knocks, lose the relationships, leave the people behind and accept that this will be a burden to bear. You can’t force people to like you or to see how much you’ve changed.

And just think about that… think about how HUGE so many of your insights have been as they happened to you. Think how often you’ve felt like a completely new person after a single thought? Often that thought was so new to you, so out of left field, that you’d never considered it until then.

So how can you expect somebody who has no idea that thought exists to see the change in you? To understand that thought? To see why it’s a good thing?

Remember how you were five minutes BEFORE you had that thought; the confusion you felt? That’s where they still LIVE. They don’t even KNOW your side of this aspect exists - just like you didn’t know until you broke through.

Just think about how many layers of background you’d have to explain just to explain that new idea to somebody else… how can you expect people to understand what they have no experience or inkling of?

So how can you expect them to see the greatness that lies in you then?

Don’t let yourself get held back by the fact that people are alienating you - it happens to all of us. Those of us that are louder get it way worse lol ;)

And understand that every time you edit for these people, you are making false idols out of them - and it won’t turn into the relationships you’re longing for anyway. They just want you to wear the mask that they’ve assigned to you.

Having a limited group of people you can reach is the price for the spiritual journey at the advanced level…. we ONLY remember Buddha, Jesus and Muhammed because there was no one else like them around… this means NO ONE ELSE understood them or what they had to say - they were always in the position of teaching.

To be a frontline fighter means you have to be the bravest - to be willing to walk into the unknown FIRST. To take the ambush.

To be a pioneer and frontrunner means to run blindly ahead into the dark, with no idea of the tools you need, the skills you’ll need, or what you’ll be facing. No idea of where you’re going either.

We are pioneering a new level of spirituality, and in future times, people will look back on what we’ve done with the same honor they afford the other great spiritual renaissances.

But they’ll look back BECAUSE we effected a change it seemed impossible to achieve, against seemingly insurmountable odds.

They’ll look back because it never looked like we would get this right. So of course it looks impossible now… but the impossible is most often achieved by her who didn’t know it couldn’t be done.

We’re only here because a problem exists - and that problem is the thoughts in people’s minds. But people want those thoughts, because they pander to their Ego whims.

We, like God, have to honor their free will choice.

Just don’t let their free will choice delay or stall your own journey. Know when to walk away.

And accept that you will walk much of this alone… that’s what it means to be a pioneer. And that’s what we signed up for with the big roles.

Don’t let Ego derail you... learn to use your voice.

It will honestly take you three to four years of dedicated daily practice, taking the attacks and shame, to START getting used to facing Ego.

You might as well start that now BEFORE the big show in a few years’ time! ;)

Written by Chemory Gunko/Amara Christi

Chemory GunkoThe author and creator of the Life Coaches Toolbox, Healer, Life Coach & NLP Practitioner, Chemory Gunko, also known as Amara Christi.

To learn more about working with Amara, click here.

To read what clients have to say about Amara, click here.

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