Life Coaches Toolbox by Chemory Gunko

Power Patterns Tool


  Power Patterns Tool

Where are you negatively and positively aspected when it comes to power patterns, and what areas do you need to target or work on?

Watch the video below for an overview of how to use the Power Patterns Comparison Tool. The video (should!) start at the point this tool is being explained.

As with all the videos, they are linked online on YouTube and you will need Internet access to view them.

To read, or follow along with, the text of the video narration, click on the button below:


As you scroll through the list of power patterns, you will find checkboxes you can use to indicate whether you feel you are positively or negatively aspected on that particular element.

When you click submit, you will see a results layout that will you show you the ratio of positive to negative aspects, as well as list these aspects for you to reference.

For examples and definitions of the power patterns, visit the Power Patterns page.

➕ Positive: an abundance of goodwill can open doors & pave the way for diplomatic solutions to difficult issues
➖ Negative: an abundance of feedback (read criticism) can leave people feeling downhearted

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: excessive care is take with a quality control process, ensuring that every item produced meets the most strongest standards, as advertised
➖ Negative: excessive cleaning can lead to killing off healthy & unhealthy bacteria, leaving you more prone to illness instead of less

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: admitting a wrongdoing & for forgiveness, or trying to make amends
➖ Negative: revealing a secret that you know will hurt someone by its revelation, or take away their free will

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: denying access to someone who has truly hurt you in the past, for example, a physically or sexually abusive partner
➖ Negative: denying your emotions, or warning signs that you see

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: artfully applying make up in order to enhance & frame features
➖ Negative: deliberately manipulating the tone of a space in order to generate a desired emotional response, usually for financial gain, or to present a false front or mask

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: over the top stimulation & chaos that promotes artistic & creative inspiration
➖ Negative: garish, almost clown-like make up that transforms people into cartoon or anime characters

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: a positive, warm & friendly person that people enjoy collaborating with
➖ Negative: a pushover who agrees with everyone they are with, coming across as hypocritical, two-faced or flaky, because they will take opposing stances in order to curry favor with the present company

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: executed correctly, a condescending attitude can pull someone out of their own similarly arrogant stance
➖ Negative: condescension can break down confidence, worth & trust, not in only in the self, but among group members, establishing a hierarchy within a group, and/or creating division & factions

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: to give permission to exercise freedom, within the boundaries of what is acceptable & appropriate
➖ Negative: giving too much freedom, and not applying the brakes when things get out of control

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: to guide & direct, preventing potential risks & harm, and steering towards success
➖ Negative: to limit the movement, behavior, actions and/or words of someone or something, to a degree where permission is required for anything undertaken, often because the object of the control begins to doubt their every move

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: give appropriate thanks, in line with the size of the boon received
➖ Negative: to go overboard with thanks, making way too much of a big deal of the gift or aid provided, often making the giver feel uncomfortable, and/or hesitant to assist you again

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: to use the desire that is ignited in you to propel you forward to achieve that, or similar, for yourself
➖ Negative: going out of your way to damage someone else's property because don't want them to have it

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: offering support & validation that empowers people to further themselves or their cause
➖ Negative: allowing clearly unethical, illegal, and/or delinquent behavior because of special favor

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: pointing ought critical faults or errors that could make something a bad investment or decision
➖ Negative: breaking down someone's self esteem with repeated slander & slurs, until they lose hope or faith in their situation, abilities, or themselves in general

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: appealing, exciting & inviting items, energies & people that add value to your life experience
➖ Negative: addictive behavior, such as drugs, gambling, sex & alcohol, that offers short-term thrills & rewards, but often does long-term damage

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: taking time to utilize pleasurable sexual experience to strengthen & reinforce a romantic love bond
➖ Negative: teasing & alluring sexual behavior that is designed to distract from, or hide, something else, like the truth

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: able to make learned & experienced decisions, with the confidence to execute them
➖ Negative: dictatorial & autocratic behavior, under the guise that the 'man-in-charge' is always right; 'my way or the highway-style thinking

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: loyally dedicated to a beneficial practice, such as spirituality, exercise or study, over a long term period
➖ Negative: stubbornly refusing to budge from a fixed set of beliefs, even if one or most of these can be shown to be errant

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: cognizant of your surroundings, while still able to focus easily & take in peripheral information
➖ Negative: overly alert, almost to the point of mania or paranoia; obsessive and/or unable to sit still

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: completely focused on the task at hand, with nothing distracting you or diverting your attention
➖ Negative: distracted & not properly paying attention their immediate surroundings, which often results in silly mistakes & clumsy accidents

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: having an appropriate amount of space, time, resources & energy for all areas of life
➖ Negative: refusing to allow the natural extremes that happen in life: experience is immersive, which means you experience one thing at a time, e.g. being in love, OR being out of love - you can't experience both at the same time
Because of these extremes, you are 'immersed' in the one emotional experience at a time, and it is important let those extremes happen, because you can't understand doubt, or fear, or pain properly, unless you have lived through it yourself, and been completely immersed in that experience
If you experienced faith or hope at the same time that you experienced doubt, then your experience of doubt would not be pure: the presence of the faith automatically cancels out at least a part of the doubt you would otherwise have experienced

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: an extreme obsession with cleanliness is a positive characteristic for someone like a surgeon, while in a gardener, the same would be OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) behavior
➖ Negative: the obvious extreme to mention is addiction - a desire so strong, that you believe you have given up your right to be able to say no to the item, or choose against it
Your obsession with the so-called addictive item is so extreme, that you have willingly given over your right to be able to choose against it, pre-deciding that you will ALWAYS want it when you encounter it, and will most likely not be able to stop yourself from partaking of it when & where it is made available to you - even if that means you have to go out & seek it

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: pleasing to look at, pleasurable to the senses, a joy to be around or experience; enhancing the natural features & making more visually pleasing
➖ Negative: artfully contrived glamor that masks or hides the true nature of the element; misrepresenting it to a larger or smaller degree

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: a formal ball to celebrate something of importance, or to raise funds for a worthy cause
➖ Negative: stylized & airbrushed photoshoots that create an unrealistic expectation of beauty standards, and also the sexual experience

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: allowing & trusting the flow of life, and being patient with the process, giving it time to unfold
➖ Negative: sedation & inactivity to the point of laziness & achieving or completing nothing

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: to accrue & gather the elements you need to live reasonably comfortably & have your basic needs taken care of
➖ Negative: to gather, store, buy & accrue more than what you need, in excess, to the point of wastefulness

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: having a firm set of convictions, principles & ethics by which you conduct yourself in all situations
➖ Negative: doggedly sticking to a perspective or point of view, or supporting a person, even when it can be shown to be errant, or untrustworthy

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: a mom requiring her kids to do their homework, bath & eat dinner
➖ Negative: stubbornly holding onto a point of view that you try to convince everyone of, in order to feel that your choice is validated

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: an ingenious idea or approach that is so outstanding as a solution that is adopted by all interested parties, or becomes a standard or benchmark
➖ Negative: something or someone so bright that they eclipse other elements around them, for example someone with such good ideas that no one else gets a chance to shine, and whose leaving would damage the group irreparably because the group is dependent on their ideas to keep going

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: a smart idea whose application is an obvious solution to an existing problem or challenge
➖ Negative: someone who is able to manipulate parties in order to divert a situation into the direction they want it to go

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: telling the whole truth about a situation, including the relevant facts, but leaving out unnecessary detail, e.g. your husband cheated with this person, at these times; in this case the person has the relevant big picture facts to work with, with ENOUGH detail of what they need to know
➖ Negative: going into graphic descriptions of moments, events & experiences, giving intimate details that aren't usually shared, or that people don't want to hear, e.g. providing photos and recordings of the cheating partner in the throes of sexual activity, as opposed to photos that prove the infidelity, but are not over-the-top or painful to view; this is way too much detail

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: the ability to be able to use shrewd decisions to make a positive difference for a group of people, or work within a tight budget, or with limited resources
➖ Negative: manipulating a group of people in order to defraud them

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: not weighed down by worry or anxiety, even if stressors are present in life; able to to 'rise above' anxiety, and put negative inner voice monologue to rest
➖ Negative: not taking any responsibility & actively avoiding responsibility

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: having fun on a holiday or party day, being light-hearted, carefree & indulgent for a period of time
➖ Negative: spending your entire salary the day you get it, on an unnecessary shopping spree, and then having nothing to carry you through the month - and doing this repeatedly, month after month

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: facing an obstacle that tests your skills & abilities, helping you to advance onto another level
➖ Negative: an inability to face any rough patch or down period, or lack of faith in internal abilities & skillsets, causing you to avoid facing anything in life

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: delays that prevent a desired outcome that turns out to be the best thing over the long-term
➖ Negative: permanently stopped or stalled, without the ability to find a way to move forward

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: understanding & having compassion for someone, and aiding them through a rough patch or set of difficult circumstances, offering varying levels of help
➖ Negative: 'Give a man a fish & you feed him for a day; teach him to fish & you feed him for a lifetime'... charity is negatively aspected when it makes people dependent on the help proffered, leaving them unable to care for themselves

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: spending freely as a luxury or indulgence, in an appropriate setting, like a vacation
➖ Negative: buying on credit when you don't have cash, to the point of having excessive credit bills every month, that interfere with monthly cash flow

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: a lighthearted person who injects joy & positive sentiment, offering hope & injecting brightness
➖ Negative: making jokes & being overly raucous in an inappropriate environment, like a funeral

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: using the frenzy of a highly energetic period to complete or achieve something quickly
➖ Negative: disrupting the normal course of everyone's lives with drama & unnecessary conflict & chaos

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: looking after something carefully, and holding it close, without being overly protective or possessive
➖ Negative: elevating something to level of addiction or need; feeling like you can't live without it; refusing to move on after a break up or death

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: using a specific goal, usually something of value, to drive you towards an aim
➖ Negative: elevating someone or something above others, to the point of nepotism or discrimination, or obvious favor

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: making a free will choice to participate in something, bringing your enthusiasm, optimism & excitement, as well as dedication & commitment
➖ Negative: having to choose between two options that you don't want, such as choosing who you can save between two people; regardless of the decision you make, you will feel guilt, doubt & regret

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: being pushed in a direction, such as school or education, as a child, that you don't want to engage in, but benefits you long-term
➖ Negative: having no choice in a situation, such as a hostage, kidnap or sexual assault; having-to fight back in a fight that somebody else starts

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: allowing someone or a party access to a place or element, and offering them the same amenities & respect that all are afforded
➖ Negative: instituting a private (civil) legal suit in order to sort out a situation because you can't reconcile it yourselves

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: the formality of the work environment helps people keep their emotional reactions in check, and keeps them focused on the job at hand
➖ Negative: so rigid & regulated that people feel uncomfortable & don't want to be there

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: offering guidance or advice without expectation of it being implemented; committing mental time & energy to something, with the view to solving it
➖ Negative: obsessive worrying & over-thinking, often when you have no ability to do anything about the situation, at least immediately

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: using discernment based on past experience in order to dodge a potentially risky situation
➖ Negative: overly critical & constantly expressing negative or disparaging sentiments

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: willing to compromise & put in the effort in order to achieve harmony
➖ Negative: willing to go to any lengths to appease an offended party, even when their requests are unreasonable

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: unwilling to bend the rules because doing so would create danger or put people at risk
➖ Negative: unwilling to budge on a specific point that becomes make-or-break in a situation

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: self-assured & outgoing behavior, where the person is at ease in the situation
➖ Negative: being so sure of your answer that you don't listen to what someone else has to say

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: using a right of entitlement to force service delivery and not let a group get away with cheating people
➖ Negative: leaving people feeling like you're too good to be around them

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: tackle a challenge or issue directly, by speaking to the person involved or taking direct action
➖ Negative: approaching someone in a an aggressive & hostile manner, so as to strike up a conflict & create drama

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: nagging, badgering & pestering someone to do something that is good for them, such as exercise, even when they have to be forced on a daily basis
➖ Negative: a stalker or ex that won't accept that a relationship is over & keeps trying to initiate contact

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: aware and alert, able to recognize & take in the information in the surrounds
➖ Negative: unable to sleep, even when very tired, with the mind racing with excitement, ideas or thoughts

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: not recognizing danger & able to maintain a positive forward momentum
➖ Negative: oblivious to the surroundings, innocent, naive & gullible

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: aware of, sympathetic to, and catering to the needs, wants & comfort of others
➖ Negative: overly attentive, to the point of not sitting still, or making someone else uncomfortable with how much you fuss

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: taking time, and/or using resources to pamper or luxuriate, with the aim of rest & rejuvenation, or 'enjoying the fruits of your efforts'
➖ Negative: buying unnecessary luxury items that do not fit into your budget

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: to methodically build up something up to a level of quality that is appropriate to the element
➖ Negative: constructing a building from inferior materials

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: to break down a challenge or roadblock that enables you to move forward; to massively surpass a previous record: 'destroy' it
➖ Negative: to break down someone's personality until they become completely dependent, unsure of everything they do

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: participating in a competitive arena in order to benchmark your ability against others
➖ Negative: fighting or vying for a position against someone else, where only one can win

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: voluntarily testing your skill level against a group in order to establish a ranking or hierarchy system
➖ Negative: constantly trying to outdo or one-up someone else, with the intent of proving your self 'better' than them in general

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: being brave enough to swallow your own fear to take on something that others refuse to do
➖ Negative: taking an unnecessary risk that leads to injury or death, because there isn't enough of a limiting sense of fear

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: to not worry about limitations or rules in an appropriate setting, where not too much damage can be done, but to enjoy yourself with wild abandon within those constraints
➖ Negative: to take unnecessary risks because thrill-seeking has become one of the few ways you actually feel anything; 'adrenalin junkies'

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: to stand up for yourself when you are unfairly attacked, or to stand up for someone who cannot stand up for themselves
➖ Negative: to protect an excess of resources from a starving population, with the intent of securing your own comfort

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: to pre-emptively strike when you know an attack is imminent, with the hope of impeding the future attack
➖ Negative: to constantly be vicious, aggressive & hostile towards someone whenever you encounter them; to start wars & pick fights

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: when the element or decision is used for the benefit of the greater good, or greatest good
➖ Negative: 'majority rules' situations where people who are not armed with all the facts are making the decisions

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: a parent making a blanket decision for a child that they are not equipped to make for themselves yet, like the choice to engage in sexual activity below a certain age
➖ Negative: strictly controlling the behaviors, actions & words of another to the point where they require approval for every move

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: interested, but not emotionally attached to the outcome, or trying to force it into a specific direction
➖ Negative: totally disinterested in what is happening, not engaging or participating

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: something or someone is kept temporarily or permanently away from an element it may be harmful to, and vice versa
➖ Negative: someone or something is withheld from something it wants or needs access to, such as water, or other survival resources

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: focused & dedicated to doing what needs to be done to achieve the aim in mind
➖ Negative: determined to stick with a specific path, even if it has been shown to errant or unwise

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: doggedly holding onto an idea that supports an important part of life, e.g. the idea that God exists is crucial to a spiritual path
➖ Negative: refusing to vacate a house when a hurricane is impending, or your life is otherwise in danger

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: loyal to & protective over someone, caring for their well-being & making yourself available to them
➖ Negative: unable to accept the end of a relationship, or experiencing unrequited love, remaining focused on the object of their affection, even when that affection becomes unwelcome

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: keeping a watchful eye over something precious, and guarding it carefully
➖ Negative: not letting something out of your sight, not letting anyone anywhere near it, and/or jumping into attack mode if somebody ventures too close by

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: able to smooth over ruffled feathers & bring conflicted parties together again, unifying them for mutual benefit
➖ Negative: able to use their powers of persuasion to manipulate a situation or the people in it

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: telling a white lie in order not to offend or emotionally upset someone over something that there is no reason for them to know
➖ Negative: telling lies of varying degree in order to manipulate & bamboozle, usually

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: taking positive action that propels a person or situation forward
➖ Negative: keeping obsessively busy in order to avoid thinking about something; busy to stay distracted

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: obtaining what you need in order to sustain yourself & thrive, or be comfortable
➖ Negative: obtaining resources way in excess of what you need or purchasing beyond your available finances

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: enhancing someone's overall level of knowledge while fostering their ability to be able to think & apply that knowledge in a way that they choose to in the future
➖ Negative: offering a limited set of information that forms a fixed set of opinions, that are predetermined & purposefully striven towards, perpetually being reinforced by the content & curriculum that is chosen

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: encouraging someone verbally to push their own boundaries, and/or take a risk that makes them uncomfortable, because the growth experience is in their best interests
➖ Negative: using your influence over someone to convince them that your point of view is superior, often to the point of disregarding other perspectives

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: making sure that people are allowed equal right of access to a service or space, regardless of any discriminating facts; finding a win-win compromise that meets the needs of the parties, with a view to solving the challenge
➖ Negative: forcing a body to proportionally represent a population, selecting 50% female membership because that is the proportionate demographic split in the area, instead of allowing the most capable members to be selected from all who have equal access to vie for those spots

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: limiting access to areas of study that would be dangerous if you have not reached a certain level, until you prove yourself worthy of having attained right of access, e.g. not allowing spiritual seekers to pursue certain knowledge until they have achieved a specified degree of ego mitigation; or only allowing you to pursue a certain area of study if you have certain subjects behind you, like mathematics for engineering
➖ Negative: limiting access to a service or space based on unchangeable characteristics, such as gender, race, religion, tradition, social class or other accident of birth

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: able to understand another's point of view, offering insight from their perspective
➖ Negative: pressing an issue on someone's behalf, or getting involved where you have no business, because the issue at stake hits home for you personally

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: taking time to stop and help a person or animal because you can imagine what it would be like to be stuck in their situation, e.g. buying a meal for someone who is down on their luck
➖ Negative: constantly reinforcing negative habits of laziness and entitlement, using a single event, or series of events, as a reason to excuse someone's behavior - often long after the events should be behind the person, e.g. excusing drunken behavior a decade later because the person was cheated on once

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: letting someone know that you think they need to go out on a date, or on a diet, and that you will support them on the journey
➖ Negative: making a doctor's appointment or setting up a date for the person, and putting in the effort to get them there because they won't do it alone

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: speaking to key trusted people about the choice of doctor, or looking for a date; creating awareness about your business services in order to earn a sustainable income
➖ Negative: approaching guys in the street and 'selling' the person you're setting up; claiming to be 'the best' or better than your competitors

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: able to find the energy to apply and focus the self on tasks at hand, with vigor, clarity and focused mental application
➖ Negative: highly energized to the point of where it disrupts others in the environment, or is out of context, such as laughing at a funeral

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: staying alert and on guard because the intuitive senses are picking up a danger; healthy fear that intends to protect
➖ Negative: highly restless and unfocused, unable to focus on anything with clarity

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: using a bright splash of color, such as painting a feature wall, to inject energy and excitement into a space
➖ Negative: overusing bright primary colors, e.g. in fast food restaurants, in order to overstimulate people to eat really quickly, in order to achieve higher sales and more quickly turnover 'bums in seats'

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: 'good tired', where you have done a hard and honest day of labor, that has tired you almost to collapsing, but enables you to sleep a well-deserved night of rest, earned by the labor you put in that day
➖ Negative: tiredness to the point of collapse, where you just can't go on anymore, and cannot find the reserves to extend yourself even a little bit further

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: creating a vision of a great gathering where everyone has fun and enjoys themselves
➖ Negative: fastidiously contriving every detail of the event or gathering in order to awe people and force a good time through awe-inspiring detail and experiences

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: simplifying a concept by using a visual aid in order to make it more easily understandable
➖ Negative: making a detailed mock up or model that is so accurate, it is practically a scale replica of the original, leaving no room for creative evolution along the way: a great example is modern marketing strategies, that aim to schedule and plan every activity well in advance, not allowing room to evolve according the results yielded

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: offering equal rights of access, or a compromise befitting the needs of all the parties
➖ Negative: painstakingly ensuring that the exact measure is equally given to each party, regardless of their needs

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: acknowledgment of a level of knowledge, achievement, ability or skill in someone who is regarded as an expert
➖ Negative: behaving as if your needs are more important than those around you

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: engaging in tantric sexual practice with a bonded partner
➖ Negative: utilizing spiritual sexual practices, such as tantra, purely to elicit physical pleasure with casual partners

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: teasing and tantalizing your partner over an extended period of time in order to build up sexual anticipation, perhaps even engaging erotic literature, porn or other devices, to increase anticipation
➖ Negative: regularly using sexual stimuli such as porn, on a daily basis, purely for physical release, and to the exclusion of other sexual practices

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: an important part of a system, which aids or greatly enhances the efficacy of that system
➖ Negative: a part of a system or group that is so crucial that the group cannot operate if that element is removed

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: easy to grasp and understand
➖ Negative: blatantly obvious and unavoidable

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: timeless and of lasting quality, enduring in its appeal
➖ Negative: going on forever, without hope of end in sight

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: nothing lasts forever; all things must come to an end
➖ Negative: not having enough time; feeling that time is limited, e.g. a death at a young age; 'only the good die young'

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: applying wisdom and insight to a situation or challenge, and finding the best possible solution from within that framework
➖ Negative: rigidly sticking to a set of principles or rules, and stubbornly refusing to budge, or gauge the situation in context

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: willing to hear others out before coming to an opinion
➖ Negative: adjusting your opinion to match the opinion of whomever you're with, with the intent of currying favor

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: made to a high standard of quality and showing expert craftsmanship
➖ Negative: made to meet required standards, or a benchmark of excellence, but not striving to be the best it is possible to be

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: meets requirements of the situation, with a level of quality additionally
➖ Negative: meets the minimal requirements necessary, cutting corners whenever possible

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: balanced exposure to an area or ability, with the ability to work towards a positive outcome and a healthy fear and understanding of potential risks
➖ Negative: extreme positivity or jaded negativity, born of an excess of success, which inhibits caution, or an excess of failure, which creates doubt and lack of self worth

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: a cautious approach that prevents hasty and impulsive decisions before due diligence is exercised
➖ Negative: lack of faith, hope or optimism, paired with negative verbal sentiment, that kills ideas before they even making out of the starting gates

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: offering a balanced judgment or verdict based on the circumstances and needs of the parties concerned
➖ Negative: excessive focus on ensuring a perfectly equal 50/50 split, with over-attention to unnecessary details

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: fine-toothed attention to detail; extreme moral uprightness characterized by a life that supports the perspective, e.g. walking your talk when you have a strong moral code and voice that to others
➖ Negative: micromanagement of every aspect and detail of an element, with a focus on detail that tends to eclipse the big picture, e.g. making sure your handwriting is perfect instead of investing time in researching content, because the lecturer or teacher penalizes even the slightest untidiness

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: land that is rich in nutrients and produces healthy crop yields
➖ Negative: the fast growth experienced in breeding rodent populations, causing damage to food stock piles

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: opulent and comfortable surroundings that engage and comfort the senses
➖ Negative: unnecessarily expensive products that are priced for the brand name they carry, or because they are associated to a certain celebrity

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: the ability to do yoga comfortably and easily, stretching your body and keeping it in good working order; being able to go with the flow
➖ Negative: obsessively looking for something new to stimulate you; readily accepting any excuse given to you by a certain person

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: sicking to your guns on certain issues, e.g. not spending more than you can afford on an entertainment experience
➖ Negative: refusing to allow an occasional splurge on something to spoil yourself

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: able to release the psychic pain and tension caused by a past event, and move forward into new experiences without the shadow of that former incident lingering over you
➖ Negative: repeatedly accepting abusive behavior from a spouse or partner, and not holding them accountable to change their behavior

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: being driven into action because of a failure or experience of envy
➖ Negative: becoming mean and ill-tempered towards someone because of something they said or did, but not confronting them about the issue

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: able to make choices that serve your free will desires, while still respecting the free will choices of others and the generally accepted norms of society
➖ Negative: forcing your free will choices onto others, even when doing so breaks the law, e.g. rape or indecent exposure

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: made to conform to a minimum required level of quality in order to ensure health, e.g. food standards
➖ Negative: controlled to the point of where no organic growth takes place anymore; excessive bureaucracy and administrative red tape; overwhelming complexity; micro-management

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: willing to share freely of what they have, welcoming others to partake in the bounty, or what is available, regardless of how much is available
➖ Negative: giving and sharing freely to the point of running out of resources yourself

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: managing the books or accounts of an organization and fastidiously accounting for every cent
➖ Negative: being focused on small details that you easily get offended about; charging for every single small item, down to the chocolates on the bed; a good example would be businesses who go as far as monitoring the keystrokes of employees on their computers

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: a soft and tender touch, or approach, or demeanor, appropriate to handling something delicate, such as a mother with a baby
➖ Negative: being so soft that you become a pushover, and find it impossible to say no

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: a hard and abrasive approach or demeanor, suitable to handling something crude, e.g. construction workers or garbage collection
➖ Negative: an abusive situation, spouse or family member, who uses alcohol to excess and then takes whatever actions they see fit, without considering the needs of, or ramifications for, others, often resulting in emotional, verbal, physical and sexual abuse actions

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: skilled, talented and capable in an specific arena, or arenas, with the requisite experience to be able to make sound decisions
➖ Negative: seemingly supernatural ability within an arena where power of decision making is awarded beyond what is commensurate with the experience,e.g. someone who gets appointed to management very young because of a natural talent, but then lands up messing up because they lack hands on experience

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: 'One-in-a-million chances happens nine times out of ten' - Sir Terry Pratchett; i.e. having exactly the right thing happen at the right moment in order for you to be saved, make a getaway, or somehow extricate yourself from a potentially threatening situation
➖ Negative: a propensity to having things play out in your favor that results in you inadequately preparing for anything in life; 'We had a statue in our dorm quad, and it was said that if you rubbed its nose before tests you'd have good luck. My roommate firmly believed in the power of the statue - she probably should have studied more and then she wouldn't have failed!' Meredith Grey, Grey's Anatomy

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: to share freely of what you have, no matter how little or much, being willing to extend your time and resources to those who need it
➖ Negative: blindly supporting the spending habits of a spouse, partner or child, without placing any limitations on them

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: willingly accepting something that is offered to you, e.g. graciously accepting a gift or donation
➖ Negative: forcibly removing something or someone from someone else, against their will, or when you have no right to the item, e.g. the police seized their assets; they were robbed last night

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: taking a look at the bigger picture at play, and how it impacts all parties concerned, directly and peripherally
➖ Negative: building a worldwide distribution network that establishes you as a monopoly, destroying macro business opportunities

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: within a close distance, close to home; impacting you directly
➖ Negative: limiting you to a confined area that you cannot grow beyond, like a supervisor who won't allow you to expand your role or abilities because they feel threatened by you

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: welcoming and inviting people equally into a space, offering them the same regard and consideration, regardless of status
➖ Negative: making a show of welcoming a less privileged person into a space, being overly attentive and accommodating, to the point of discomfort

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: decorating a space according to your personal style because you spend a lot of time in that space; decorating or dressing up for an event or occasion
➖ Negative: fastidious attention to a motif or style in order to 'fit in' or gain approval, e.g. dying your hair black because you're Emo or goth, even though black hair doesn't suit you at all

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: buying someone a thank you present or card, or offering sincere words of thanks
➖ Negative: feeling obligated to jump whenever someone says you must, or feeling under their control, because they helped you once, or help you from time to time; this is the classic parent controlling the child with money situation - if the (usually adult) child steps out of line in any way, financial assistance is cut off or threatened, where overtly or subtly

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: taking out a loan that you can comfortably afford, to buy a house, so that your future is more secured
➖ Negative: feeling obligated to someone for anything they ask for, because they did something for you once and use it to keep a hold over you

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: an easy going relaxed person, who fosters a similar mood for the people around them, allowing everyone to get along and have a great time, e.g. a really great event host
➖ Negative: someone who does not allow people to raise issues of contention, always brushing stuff under the rug, allowing it to fester until it explodes and cannot be contained anymore

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: upsetting the status quo, and forcing people out of their comfort zones, in order to stimulate and encourage growth in various areas
➖ Negative: destruction of property, possessions and ending relationships because of wild and reckless behavior, such as addiction, wild parties or gambling

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: an improvement in state that leads to the recovery of an element from damage
➖ Negative: soothing actions and behavior that do not allow someone to descend into an emotional or mental low period, when such is necessary for long-term health, e.g. not allowing someone to grieve or talk about a lost loved one

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: away-from driven motivation that forces you to move away from an abrasive factor, such as isolating yourself when you need time to think about something, or jealousy spurring you onto achievement in some area
➖ Negative: chafing and tension on the physical, mental and emotional levels that makes you not want to be in an environment, or facing a situation, and/or can make you want to give up the will to fight

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: offering aid and assistance aligned with the free will choices of the recipient, aiding them to follow their chosen path
➖ Negative: offering aid and assistance only if an end goal as decided by the giver are pursued; controlling the outcome of an event and using the aid to ensure that outcome, which is often not aligned to what the recipient has chosen of their free will, e.g. I'll pay for your wedding if you marry this person that I chose, or have you wedding where I decide and invite who I want to have there, but I'll disinherit you if you do it your way

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: interfering in a situation when you can clearly see that someone is about to make a naive and obvious mistake out of ignorance, because you want what is in their best interests
➖ Negative: using your powers to interfere in order to push your own agenda, and control someone or something, e.g. using your influence over a family member's supervisor to force that person to have weekly drug tests because you no longer have control over their life through money and where they stay, when there has been no aberrant behavior to raise suspicion (sadly, this is just one of many real-life examples)

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: taking a big picture view of a situation, exploring all the options, e.g. looking into mental and emotional aspects when tackling illness or weight loss
➖ Negative: refusing to ignore certain elements of a system, when the system can operate without that interference, e.g. consulting a medical doctor to get approval before pursuing a homeopathic treatment, and/or not being willing to pursue the treatment without that validation

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: perusing something in detail in order identify an error or fault and rectify that element
➖ Negative: overly critical and focused on detail, to the extent that it eclipses the big picture, e.g. someone who zeroes in one statement you've made, coming back to that over and over again, preventing you from discussing the actual issue at play

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: sharing the honest facts of the situation, without bias, and offering a perspective from all major concerned parties
➖ Negative: telling someone 'the truth' about something because you know that hearing it will hurt them

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: protecting the rights of the naive and innocent so that they cannot be unfairly swindled by a 'bad guy'
➖ Negative: utilizing legal action, or the threat thereof, to strong arm a situation or try to control the outcome, often when you have an unfair advantage

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: remembering, recalling, and reminiscing about a person or place, recognizing the role they played in the past, and/or play now
➖ Negative: favoring a person or persons above others, as a result of some form of discrimination, e.g. nepotism in the workplace; another example would be favoring a candidate because they belonged to the same sorority as you, especially when another candidate shows more suitable ability

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: putting something special into a special place of honor, so that it cannot be enjoyed by many, but is kept safe, e.g. a family tomb or burial plot
➖ Negative: favoring the preferred element or person to such a degree that you do not allow any disturbance of their possessions, even after they're gone, e.g. parents who keep a deceased child's bedroom intact years after the child's loss

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: remaining somewhat reserved and gracious in collaborative environments, even if your expertise is vastly superior to those you are engaging with
➖ Negative: not putting yourself forward, or sharing ideas or insight, because you doubt your abilities, likability and/or right to be present in the forum

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: healthy doubt in your ability and/or need to learn more before you are classified as an 'expert', or have the 'right to make decisions'; knowing your place in the pecking order or hierarchy
➖ Negative: refusing to take on responsibility because you have no faith in your abilities, and doubt everything you do, regardless of how much validation you get; being permanently scared to 'mess up'

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: inserting lightheartedness, jokes, laughter and fun into an appropriate environment, such as a social gathering
➖ Negative: making jokes as a means of avoiding dealing with a tense or awkward situation, or in inappropriate situations, such as at a funeral or other solemn occasion

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: a serious demeanor befitting a situation, such as a state of grieving a loss; 'the president was sombre as he delivered the devastating news'
➖ Negative: bitterness, melancholy, and rigidity of nature in an environment not suited to it; the girl who spends the whole day at the funfair sulking because you won't go do what she wants to go do, or an Emo or goth type that refuses to don a costume to go to the beach, sitting in long black clothing all day

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: willing to look at both sides of the story equally and give equal credence to them, without bias, in order to reach a just decision
➖ Negative: focused on being fair and being seen to be fair to the exclusion of giving the issue at hand the consideration it actually needs, e.g. insisting that both parties are punished because the rules said so, when one party's breaking of the rules saved the company a lot of money or embarrassment

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: dedicated to living a morally upright and/or holy life, with a strict inner moral code that is always abided by
➖ Negative: believing that the way you choose to conduct your life is superior to the way others choose to live, and letting people know that you feel that way, often forcing your beliefs onto others, e.g. white supremacists

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: a solution so brilliant in its design that you wonder why no one thought of it before
➖ Negative: something that is extremely well suited to its purpose, to the point of being perfect, but is under patent and sold at a ridiculous premium, making it inaccessible in to those who may need access to it, e.g. brand name medicines and proprietary software

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: working together collaboratively to bring about a change that will result in a greater good, e.g. freedom fighters or a resistance movement
➖ Negative: manipulating a person or situation in order to swindle, cheat, con or otherwise lie to them, potentially causing them financial, physical, mental, emotional damage

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: being driven to achieve a greater purpose on a societal level, as a result of a personal experience, that brings about change that benefits many, e.g. Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela
➖ Negative: becoming focused on revenge as a result of a wrongdoing or perceived wrongdoing, and making the attainment of that revenge a priority that eclipses other areas of your life

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: a sedate, calm, stable and drama-free existence, that 'chugs along nicely'
➖ Negative: boredom, feeling stuck and trapped by the banality of everyday existence

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: undertaking activities and entering environments with purpose and focus, present and clear mentally, applying yourself to the task at hand, moving towards achieving a specific goal, or staying aligned with a defined set of principles, or a moral code
➖ Negative: staying focused on a goal or desire, and being unwilling to budge the goal posts, e.g. hanging onto lost or unrequited love and refusing to even entertain dating someone else or considering another relationship

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: working out the steps, tasks and activities required to make a group or system run flawlessly as a whole, without interruptions caused by one element in that system breaking down or operating poorly, e.g. making sure that the bakery gets enough resources to keep producing, but not so much that they run out of space to store it all
➖ Negative: using the ability to manipulate and influence situations in order to drive them towards your desire end, even if that aim will mean that another will suffer damage or have their free will choice taken away from them

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: keen insight, able to deduce and glean important details, seemingly out of thin air; has proven the ability trustworthy
➖ Negative: not taking the time to research or investigate anything because of trusting their ability to 'figure stuff out' and 'just know what to do'

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: exactly as it played out, offering a comprehensive view of the facts so that a sound decision can be made
➖ Negative: misinterpretation of the words and meaning of what has been communicated because of a lack of understanding of the subtle nuances of vocabulary and how the terminology may be used, e.g. ecological in healing means 'in the person's best interests', while ecological in mainstream understanding means 'about the natural environment'

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: able to look at the elements available and create a solution that meets needs but doesn't require a complex overhaul of an existing system
➖ Negative: a solution that, while effective, would cause too much disruption to day-to-day activities, and would require people to undergo extensive training

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: an easier everyday solution that will offer a temporary fix in order to give time to deal with other priorities first, and not cause too much disruption to day-to-day activities
➖ Negative: an event or experience that is boring and does not engage or require much imagination, e.g. hosting an informal barbecue for an event, as opposed to a more formal dinner party, which may be more suited to, say, an engagement or marriage celebration; a completely unoriginal idea

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: someone who welcomes you warmly, in an appropriate manner for your relationship, and/or the situation, having you feel comfortable and like you want to be there
➖ Negative: having a friend's spouse offer unwanted sexual attention, offering a sexual tryst

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: supporting someone, verbally, mentally, emotionally and otherwise, to go for their dreams and goals, especially when they need a push to take the leap
➖ Negative: strongly encouraging someone to do something that they would not necessarily choose to do themselves or have to be forced into doing

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: being an active participant in a situation or group, freely giving of your time, knowledge and resources, in order to further the aims of the group as a whole
➖ Negative: inserting yourself into a situation that has nothing to do with you simply because it is good gossip, or you want to try and control the outcome, e.g. the parent who controls with money in order to be able to 'call the shots' in other areas, or the friend who always wants to listen but them goes on to tell everyone else; addicts

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: short-, medium- or long-term dedication to a goal or outcome, with passion and interest that allows you to commit to it on a regular basis, e.g. a weight loss and health plan, or learning to play an instrument
➖ Negative: refusing to give up a particular focus on an object or person, even when that attention is unwanted, and/or eclipses other areas of life, e.g. groupies who follow bands around or stalkers who 'fall in love' with celebrities

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: happiness, elation and feelings of pleasure related to an experience or person or object, resulting in appropriate expressions of enjoyment
➖ Negative: always looking for a party or otherwise 'fun' experience, to the exclusion of other areas of life; always being the life and soul of the party, and making sure a party happens every night

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: enjoyable and pleasing to the senses, like having a great meal or going for a massage in order to unwind and 'have some R&R'
➖ Negative: being obsessed with pleasure to the point of neglecting other areas of life, e.g. addictions such as drugs, porn and sex

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: fair and unbiased, willing to look equally at everyone and everything concerned
➖ Negative: determined to stick to the letter of law, when a considered decision is actually called for, often because the letter of law may suit their (often unconscious) bias

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: meting out just punishment, commensurate with the infraction, in order to act as a deterrent in future, both to the offender and others at large, 'making an example'
➖ Negative: unfair punishment meted out for unjust infractions, where the punisher has created rules that are designed to be failed, e.g. sadistic activity

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: gentle and approachable in nature, and inclined towards being easy to be around or deal with
➖ Negative: scared to offend or upset anyone, and inclined to give people their way so that they don't get upset, even if those actions make the giver uncomfortable

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: tough love that forces someone to look at their life and take responsibility for their actions; 'being cruel to be kind'
➖ Negative: purposefully malicious and hurtful actions and words that are designed to make someone else feel inferior and experience shame and self doubt, as well as inadequacy

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: making the choice of direction for a group of persons who willingly choose to follow you and participate in the activities
➖ Negative: forcing a group to follow a direction they don't agree with because you have the power in the situation; having to step forward and direct and guide a group of followers as a result of someone else vacating a position, by death or otherwise, because you are the next in line, e.g. royalty and titles, or being the matriarch or patriarch of a family

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: convincing someone to do something they don't necessarily want to do, when it really is in their best interests, e.g. helping a mom and her kids escape an abusive domestic situation
➖ Negative: convincing someone to do something they don't want to do because the results of the outcome will be in your own personal best interests, and may damage the person being coerced, e.g. helping someone lie to someone else, or catfishing

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: freeing someone or something from an oppressive environment that inhibits their growth and development or causes them pain, e.g. freeing animals from a lab that tests on them
➖ Negative: stealing something from someone that you want and/or don't believe that they deserve to have, or delivering a piece of bad news that you know will end someone's relationship because it's what you want to have happen

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: limiting actions, behaviors and activities that you may choose for before you know better, i.e. when you are too young, such as a drivers license age
➖ Negative: limiting behaviors in a way that limits growth to an unnecessary degree, inhibiting the development of required skills, e.g. parents that don't let kids date at all before the end of high school prevent the normal development of relationship skills that are necessary later on - this is where the good girl gets herself stupidly pregnant shortly after going off to college, because she is unused to the freedom and has not developed limits

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: it takes 10,000 hours of exposure and experience in order to achieve mastery, and so long-term commitment allows you to really master what you focus on, from learning an instrument to karate and coding
➖ Negative: when a goal takes too long to achieve, you lose momentum and focus, and start to feel like you will never get there, reinforcing the idea that you are a failure

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: if you've had an accident or major trauma, then you likely need instant action taken in order to save your life
➖ Negative: our societal focus on instant gratification has bred a population of impatient and entitled people who will 'flip out' because of any reasonable delay, believing that being forced to wait makes them less-important somehow

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: to willingly offer your allegiance to someone, in general, or according to a specific set of criteria, such as fidelity in monogamous relationships, and having that positive sentiment stay in place, regardless of whether you can 'get away' with doing something behind their back or not, e.g. staying faithful even when you have an easy opportunity to cheat
➖ Negative: to remain allied to a person or cause, even when current circumstances prove that that element does not deserve your trust or support

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: the ideal of male chauvinism and superiority can produce very traditional personalities, where the male takes on sole responsibility for looking after the wife and family, and values the female role equally in its place
➖ Negative: the idea that this differentiation of roles somehow makes one side superior to the other inherently, classing the 'other side' as inferior or sub-par; e.g. male over female gives the right to abuse; white over black gives the right to murder someone

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: to be understanding and hear the elements of the situation in context, offering a commensurate response to the challenge presented, with a tendency towards leniency
➖ Negative: blindly accepting anything done by a group or persons, based on nothing more than their word or a misguided sense of loyalty

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: allowing freedoms and liberties corresponding to the level of maturity shown by the recipient, e.g. you are allowed to apply for driver's license at age 18, but must wait until you have passed it before you can actually drive on your own
➖ Negative: blindly allowing freedom to someone, regardless of their ability to handle such freedom, or exercise it carefully, e.g. you can automatically drink at age 18 without the need to prove that you will be a responsible drinker and/or make responsible choices

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: reserved and unassuming in approach, quietly confident with no need to show off or prove oneself to gain others' validation or approval
➖ Negative: playing down your abilities because you doubt them and don't want to take the risk of being called on because you're sure you'll mess up

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: a somewhat visible degree of self confidence and trust in your own abilities, that people perceive as being something that makes you trustworthy in this instance; the confidence of a leader who knows what they are doing and is comfortable with taking the lead
➖ Negative: excessive pridefulness and superiority that becomes discriminatory towards anyone that does not met a strict set of criteria that 'make them worthy to be around'; snobbish behavior and acting superior towards others

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: of natural origin, in it's original, unaltered state, e.g. an organic apple
➖ Negative: seeming to maintain its natural state or form, while actually cleverly masked, e.g. 'apple juice' that is a mix of clarified grape and apple juice, and natural apple flavors, as opposed to being pressed juice from an apple; genetically modified (GMO) fruits, vegetables and other crops, which look like the originals but have been altered to be pesticides or herbicides and actually offer little to no nutritional value anymore

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: the altered form of a processed product, often combined with other products and ingredients, to create something completely different, e.g. turning the apple into baby food by cooking it, processing it, and adding various spices and preservatives
➖ Negative: an engineered substitute that takes the place of something that should occur naturally, e.g. drinking energy drinks or capsules with vitamins as opposed to absorbing these from the food you eat, in the way they were meant to be absorbed

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: an upstanding and ethical person, who honors and respects the status and expectations of their status as a leader, even if that role has been thrust on them by birth, e.g. Queen Elizabeth's dedication to her role as queen and maintaining the visage of the royal family as moral, upstanding citizens to be admired and revered
➖ Negative: assigning importance to persons by nature of their accident of birth; so royalty can only marry royalty, because their bloodline must not mix with that of commoners

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: someone who places importance on traditions, roles and protocol, helping preserve the knowledge of these practices through their fascination with the topic
➖ Negative: someone who believes that they, and select group, are superior to others somehow, and deserve preferential treatment, excluding others by discrimination based on a certain select group of factors, such as social class, financial wealth, race, or accident of birth

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: offering the support and resources needed to help a person or element grow at a steady and sustainable pace
➖ Negative: overextending support and resources offered, until the recipient becomes somewhat or entirely dependent on the giver for their every need

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: when you get a stomach flu or some kind of poisoning, your body will drain your entire system, purging the toxin through your bowels, bladder, etc; crying is an emotional drain that helps you release and relieve negative emotion and sentiment that has built up inside you and may be causing you pain to carry around
➖ Negative: a draining person can make you feel tired and exhausted for days after seeing them, no matter how excited or energized you felt when they walked in your door; it's almost like they suck the good energy out of you

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: aware of your surroundings, and able to take in overt and peripheral detail, while still able to relax and enjoy the moment
➖ Negative: overly alert and cautious, paying so much attention to perceived potential fears, that you forget to focus on the actual proceedings taking place in front of you

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: following up on something that caught your attention and made you concerned, in order to allay your fears or prevent a potential problem
➖ Negative: constantly being on the look out for strange behavior, or being overly untrusting of someone, particularly over the long term, e.g. a wife who has suspected a husband of cheating for years but has never been able to prove it, always treating situations with mistrust, fear and doubt, and being overly careful not to allow even the slightest opportunity where infidelity could potentially happen, such as ending a friendship because you suspect your husband MAY be attracted to the woman in question

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: interested in and welcoming towards new ideas, people and places; confidently sharing the truth because there is nothing to hide
➖ Negative: constantly looking for the next new thing, unable to settle down and enjoy something twice; sharing too much information (TMI) or being OTT (over the top)

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: keeping information hidden purposefully because you're planning a surprise party or a special treat for someone
➖ Negative: purposefully lying about or omitting information that you know would make someone view a person or situation differently, or may influence a decision in a direction opposite to where you you want it to go

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: expressing positive sentiment about a task , person, environment or venture, and expecting a favorable outcome, in line with the work that will be put into making it happen
➖ Negative: not planning or preparing and expecting everything to just fall into place without having to put in any effort

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: a tendency to look for the downside in anything, can be put to good use when you want to identify potential risks and threats that could get in the way of your plans
➖ Negative: negative verbal sentiment that drags everyone else down and kills an idea before it evens has a chance to get off the ground, or be properly considered

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: neatly presented, arranged and organized, making it pleasure to be in the space or work with the element
➖ Negative: overly fussy attention to detail, with someone who gets annoyed if even a single item is 'out of its place'

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: a messy and disorganized pile of stuff that has all been lumped together because it is about to be sorted out properly
➖ Negative: unable to make sense of, sort or organize; lacking clarity or the ability to think coherently, e.g. Alzheimers or dementia

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: confident and gregarious, able to engage other people, even when they are unknown elements; easily able to find common ground
➖ Negative: always active and busy, looking for the next thing to do, the next people to meet; unable to sit down and focus on enjoying the present (boring) moment

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: purposefully withheld and restrained, choosing to observe and assess a situation before jumping into it
➖ Negative: withheld and restrained from fear of inadequacy, lack of self worth or doubt in one's abilities or right to be present in the space

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: willing to make a continual investment of time and resources, over an extended period, before seeing results
➖ Negative: waiting for something to happen, without taking any action to realize it: an old man repeatedly asks God to win the lottery, and to his surprise, one day he gets a verbal answer from God: 'Sure, you can win the lottery - but just do me a favor: BUY A TICKET PUH-LEESE!'

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: a keen and engaged participant, observer or supporter, whose interest continues over an extended period of time, allowing them to achieve mastery through their dedication and passion
➖ Negative: overt and excessive focus on a specific area of interest, to the exclusion of other areas, e.g. a new lover means that you don't see your friend for a few weeks or months

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: validated loyalty towards a tradition or culture, showing justifiable pride in the easily observable achievements of that group of people
➖ Negative: belief in the superiority of a nation, tradition or culture over another, because of an historical attitude, that has often been indoctrinated into the thinker, creating a false perspective

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: the idea that the government and country work for the people, and are designed to create the greatest good so that the majority may benefit equally, and people have a stable and prosperous society to grow up in; in Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler makes an interesting point when discussing the rougher, lower social class elements of society, saying that you cannot hold a man accountable for his thinking when he is a product of the society that he has been raised in. If you want to improve these people, you must improve the world they live in - you cannot judge them for being what they are when they had no say in being molded as that. What's interesting here is how the Internet has changed the game, making information much more freely accessible, even across borders and behind boundaries we could never previously reach. Can we still say that man is a product of his societal influences, or is he now responsible for his development because we have such easy access to information? Is the lack of intelligence we see nowadays a product of our upbringing, or is it a product of willful ignorance?
➖ Negative: the idea that the people are the product and resource of the state, and that this resource can be used and directed at the state's will, overriding the free will choices of the citizens concerned, e.g. the idea of conscription, or forced military service, means that young men and families have to be willing to give up lives and futures in order to protect the financial and political interests of the state, regardless of the personal cost of this burden, whether that is trauma (PTSD), disability or death

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: calm and serene in presence, with an energy or ability that enables that state to be extended to others around you
➖ Negative: disregarding, or not taking seriously, a warning because of a false sense of security, which means that you don't offer enough caution in what is actually a dangerous situation, e.g. taking time your time during a fire evacuation because you think it's a drill, when it actually turns out to be a real fire - and you stayed behind ten minutes longer to finish with that important call

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: refusing to accept an obviously unjust decision, and bullishly fighting for what you know is right, standing firm and not allowing yourself to be swayed, e.g. lobbying for the release of a political prisoner or prisoner of war that has been unjustly incarcerated; the pig headedness and determination are what will eventually get your cause noticed here
➖ Negative: refusing to budge even when you are clearly in the wrong or have no right to take the stand that you are taking, e.g. the teenager who sulks because they had to come home by curfew, and gives you the cold shoulder for two weeks

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: offering genuine warmth and welcome to someone, whether guest or known entity, even if that person's actions in the past do not warrant such a warm welcome - but locking away the silverware and precious items in the company of known thieves
➖ Negative: barely tolerating a person, and while not saying or doing anything obviously rude, being cold and distant, and obviously in a hurry to get it over with as quickly as possible

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: a dedicated butler at a five star resort is chosen to wait on you hand and foot as part of the pleasurable luxury experience you have paid for on your vacation
➖ Negative: a partner who takes care of everything for the other, leaving them stranded in case of an emergency, and unable to fend for themselves

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: able to exert influence to effect change, and knowingly where and when to apply that talent judiciously, for the greater good; respect that is earned and commanded, NOT demanded
➖ Negative: having the ability to exert influence and effect change, but only applying it for the benefit of the self, or to further your own interests

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: using sheer willpower to open a door or effect a change that is in the best interests of the greater good
➖ Negative: using brute strength to overpower someone's free will, as in rape or abuse cases; managing through fear

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: offering positive verbal sentiment, and/or an assurance of ability or mastery, commensurate with the level of experience truly present
➖ Negative: perpetual compliments designed to curry favor, and/or force a bond; brown-nosing, where opportunities to compliment everything are sought actively

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: suited to the person, making them appear in the best possible light, e.g. a flattering hair cut or dress style, that highlights their assets and downplays their weaknesses
➖ Negative: unfairly offering verbal praise, on a continuous basis, often when that praise isn't warranted, or the opinion is purely subjective; offering ongoing praise in order to falsely boost someone's confidence

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: standing by a a moral code or set of principles that has been defined by your own choices and experience
➖ Negative: adhering staunchly to a moral code or set of principles that is indoctrinated into you, without questioning if they ring true for you

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: getting a time-sensitive task handled quickly and efficiently, as delays could cause critical problems in the system
➖ Negative: rushing through a task too quickly, and cutting corners, because time sensitivity trumps all else; feeling rushed

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: having access to a superior class of products, resources and services, by virtue of association, status or means
➖ Negative: assuming right of access to superior products, resources and environments, or superiority over others by default, as a result of accident of birth, or wealth

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: knowing what you deserve right of access to, in relation to your human rights
➖ Negative: displaying destructive or aggressive behavior because an expectation of delivery of a certain standard of product, service or resource is not met, when no steps or action has been taken to deserve access to that element

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: an abundance of great ideas, that have great application and offer real return on investment value
➖ Negative: an abundance of mundane, ordinary or prosaic ideas that offer no real value in terms of their implementation, even if they will be effective stop gaps for a while

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: acknowledging that land is barren, for example, allows the farmer to make a choice to to rest the land, and/or nurture it back to health; a barren period for a creative type is a signal that the mind needs rest, and that a holiday, or distance, must be taken in order to recuperate the creative flow of ideas
➖ Negative: unable to produce effectively, destroying the resources that are put into it, and past its sell-by date in terms of productive output

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: to act with decision, commitment and dedication, remaining fixed on a specific outcome or result, not allowing the self to be easily swayed or deterred, and willing to make a long-term investment of time and resources in order to yield results
➖ Negative: not willing to consider other avenues or outcomes because of a dogged focus on a specific outcome; inflexible and rigid in approach, unwilling to compromise and adjust according to needs

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: allowing a desire that you believe you can achieve, to propel you to work towards it, becoming an end goal that keeps you constantly motivated and focused
➖ Negative: to be driven by desire, and the instant gratification of those urges, to the point of addiction and compulsion, being unable to resist partaking in the activity on a daily basis, or until funds run out

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: accepting something that is offered by free will choice of the giver
➖ Negative: knowingly buying stolen goods, taken from people by force, or even under violent circumstances; taking aid or charity when you know you don;t need it, and doing so anyway in order to increase one's own share, i.e. for selfish reasons

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: holding on tightly to something precious under precarious conditions, or under circumstances of danger
➖ Negative: refusing to let go of something that has reached a natural end or conclusion, like refusing to give a divorce to your estranged ex who you've been separated from for years

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: voluntarily letting go of something that has run its natural course and come to a natural end or conclusion
➖ Negative: being forced to let go of someone, such as the separation of family members for extended periods of time, in armed forces' deployments

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: holding on because you have hope and believe that if you make it through this you will yield turnaround or positive results
➖ Negative: refusing to let go of someone or something, whether a grudge or relationship, well past a reasonable period of processing and closure

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: feeling secure enough to trust someone with part of your survival needs, because they have proven themselves to be reliable and trustworthy
➖ Negative: being wholly dependent on someone who takes unnecessary risks with money; not being allowed to establish any independence of your own because this is perceived as a threat

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: being reliant on a trustworthy caretaker as a child, one who has your best interests at heart
➖ Negative: being unable to perform basic functions of maintaining or caring for the self, as a result of someone else taking on too much responsibility

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: asking politely for something to be done
➖ Negative: sending a legal letter of demand forcing someone to comply with something you want, against their will

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: insisting that someone meet their obligations, such as issuing an order against the salary of a father who keeps skipping child support payments out of spite
➖ Negative: insisting someone does something that is unfair, and potentially illegal to demand of them, or that they would not agree to if they had their full faculties or were old enough to understand, e.g. pedophilia or drug induced date rape

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: honoring and being aware of traditions, customs, ways of being and boundaries of others, with the intention of making them feel genuinely comfortable
➖ Negative: demanding an unnecessary level of knowledge of a wide range of particular customs, and requiring that all are honored, e.g. South Africa has 12 official languages, which would make for very big street signs and very long forms, if each and every language had to be honored and given equal place; instead, the default language has evolved to be English, which is a powerful native tongue to have when competing in a global market, strengthening the country's ability to participate on the international economic stage; eventually this common language will breed a common heritage from the many tribes and cultures that currently make up the country's population

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: offering a negative or disparaging view of something that was previously considered flawless, when such knowledge would influence and inform a decision, or where caution must be advised because people are viewing a skewed perspective of the whole truth, e.g. someone presents themselves as being impartial when they are actually secretly on biased and firmly established on one side of the fence, and have been for a while
➖ Negative: negative verbal sentiment and biased opinions or stories that are designed to negatively skew someone's favorable opinion away from someone or something else, and in another direction

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: power = responsibility: when I acknowledge that I already created the reality that I am facing, it becomes apparent that I have the skills and ability to create a chosen reality through my words, actions and deeds. Therefore, I claim my power to create the new reality I now choose to replace this one that no longer serves me, according to the decisions I make from here on in
➖ Negative: accepting the burden of caring for responsibility that is not your own, as a result of someone else's mistakes or errant behavior, e.g. allowing an absentee father to get away with not paying child support and shouldering the burden yourself, while still trying to provide as if there were no difference to funds and resources available; trying to fill the role of both parents to cover for an absentee parent who does not make space for the child

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: away-from motivation triggered by your own internal reactions to your own past behaviors, that inspires positive change, forgiveness, making amends and healing bonds
➖ Negative: responsible for performing a harmful action or deed that caused harm to another, taking away their free will choice, or robbing them of resources, and is potentially illegal to have perpetrated

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: you have had enough of something, or you feel a sense that you have enough in your life; you are content and at peace with what you have achieved and done
➖ Negative: having had so much of something that you have reached the point of saturation and don't even want to hear the name mentioned again

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: having had your fill of something and feeling no need to repeat the desire or experience, e.g. his desire for other women was sated when he met his wife, and he was sure that he could honestly commit to a monogamous bond
➖ Negative: literally saturated in something; where you have experienced so much of that element that you become blinded to it, e.g. photographers who are surrounded by beautiful women all the time

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: choosy over who should be admitted, with the aim of finding those truly suited to the vocation or experience, e.g. testing a spiritual initiate before allowing them access to certain information, or requiring students of certain fields to meet certain predetermined criteria, such as subject selection and marks achieved, in order to ensure the student can cope with the workload and is suited tot eh field of study
➖ Negative: basing the criteria of access on elements that are outside the applicant's control, such as social status, race, gender or disability

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: limiting access to an environment so that like-minded seekers can enjoy a niche dedicated to their area of interest, e.g. forming an online community for enthusiasts and not allowing those that are not really avid followers to participate
➖ Negative: purposefully not allowing someone access to something in order to make them feel inferior or illustrate your superiority over them, to them, yourself, or others

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: calm and stable presence or nature, not easily upset or unsettled, able to stay calm regardless of changing circumstances, and thus reliable
➖ Negative: not displaying emotional attachment in any way; being distant, cold and aloof in circumstances where you would expect a vastly different response

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: sedate and toned down environment, with boring, quiet people, perfect for rest and recuperation after illness or injury
➖ Negative: a boring and uninspiring person or situation, that is easily forgotten the moment it's over, and is potentially a relief to have behind you

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: acts, deeds and activities undertaken in order to make more comfortable, lighten the load of, or assist another, by way of thanks or hospitality
➖ Negative: being a slave to someone's every demand and whim in order to retain positive favor

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: using desire of achieving a certain degree of knowledge, wealth or recognition, as a forward motivating factor, to drive one towards achieving desires and goals
➖ Negative: putting work and financial rewards ahead of all other areas of life, to the detriment of those areas, such as health or family

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: distributing resources to others when you have excess and others are experiencing lack
➖ Negative: not controlling the volume of resources used, so that reserves are quickly exhausted, and all now experience lack

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: careful distribution and allocation of resources in limited quantities, so that longevity and sustainability are maintained should the deficit continue for longer than the immediate term
➖ Negative: refusing to share, even though an excess of resources is available; allowing others to suffer or die in order to secure your own comfort

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: relevant to a system or process; exerting a notable influence that is largely positive and yields results in the interests of the greater good
➖ Negative: making up a majority portion of something, so that the removal of that element would cause the whole system to collapse, e.g. a long-term reliance on chronic medication

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: a key motivating factor to extend oneself and achieve goals and desires
➖ Negative: unable to function or operate without the person or element; a distracting factor such as alcohol, drugs, or other addictive substances and activities, like porn addiction and gambling

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: not under the influence of alcohol or other narcotics or numbing substances, of clear and rational mind, able to make sound decisions and be trusted
➖ Negative: a serious and dour demeanor, often with a strict, rigid and inflexible approach to life, making them an uncomfortable person to be around

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: 'high on life'; able to enjoy oneself and experience a positive upswing of emotion, as well as being emotionally free and light, as a result of a positive natural experience, such as a great meal, being relaxed, being on holiday, being in love or experiencing a dopamine surge from exercise and activity
➖ Negative: under the influence of drugs, alcohol or other substances or influences that cloud the thinking and decision making abilities, leading one to make reckless or impulsive decisions that would not otherwise ordinarily be considered

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: a spontaneous decision would be deciding to elope after being engaged and living together for a while - it doesn't come as a surprise to anyone that you got married, but the decision to run off and commit the act may just happen suddenly; likewise starting a business of your own after talking about it for years - the action to actually start the business and set the wheels in motion is actually quite sudden, and made in the moment
➖ Negative: crashing into a vehicle that suddenly appeared in your path because the other driver was speeding is an example of a bad spontaneous event; it's sudden and seemingly outside of your control, not giving you enough time to choose a more appropriate or safer action

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: deciding to pop put to local roadhouse or diner for a family meal or milkshake, to satisfy a sweet tooth and spend some time together, is an impulsive decision with happy results; you may spend a bit of money, but you certainly won't break the bank
➖ Negative: meeting a stranger and marrying them within 48 hours, just a few days after ending a previous relationships is a reckless and impulsive decision that probably won't end well

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: seeing a greater and purpose for our lives, as well as a unifying energy that connects us all
➖ Negative: rigid and dogmatic adherence to a creed or belief system, without allowing for the value or importance of any others; believing the native religion to be superior to others

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: focus on acquiring the resources needed in order to secure survival, and a degree of comfort, without unnecessary excess
➖ Negative: excessive greed, hoarding and isolation of resources, designed to establish superiority over others, and secure the luxury of the self and future generations; placing higher credence or value on material wealth and possessions than values, ideas or people

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: stable, trustworthy and unfaltering; reliable and consistent
➖ Negative: stuck in their ways, rigid and inflexible, potentially dull and boring

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: able to be swayed from a previously rigid standpoint, willing or open to be convinced because new information has come to light
➖ Negative: easily swayed according the circumstances, people or environment; fickle and hypocritical, or two-faced; untrustworthy

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: reaching for a working towards an aim, moving past challenges and roadblocks
➖ Negative: pushing oneself to greater feats than what one is capable of achieving; reaching beyond your capability, and so setting the self up for failure

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: fighting to hold on to or protect something precious or cherished; engaging in physical aggression for the purpose of defense, of the self or others
➖ Negative: finding it really difficult to cope, carry on, or have hope for a better outcome or the future; in need of rest and respite because of exhaustion, overwork or fatigue; in the process of 'burning out', or 'burning the candle at both ends'

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: willingly relinquishing control over a situation, person or outcome, willing to let it go for the best possible outcome for all concerned
➖ Negative: giving up because all other options are exhausted, you have no fight left in you, or you have completely lost hope

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: healthy fear that inspires you to get the things done that you need to get done, such as earn enough money to pay your bills at the end of the month so that you can keep a roof over your head
➖ Negative: obsessive over-thinking and anxiety about future or current events, focused entirely on what the problem is, instead of finding a constructive way to deal with it, e.g. worrying that your boss will find out about a mistake instead of admitting to it and facing the consequences

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: a gentle and caring approach or demeanor, that offers nurturing, warmth and support, such as a care worker or nurse in a healing facility
➖ Negative: an overly sensitive spot on the body, or in the emotional range, such as a trigger word, that causes an unnecessary level of overdramatized pain when stimulated, or triggered

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: to stand firm and resolute with a decision or regulation, because of the known consequences of crossing that boundary; a no nonsense person that you do not cross or mess with, where respect has been earned
➖ Negative: a brutal approach that is designed to undermine and generate inadequacy in another, with the aim of making them feel inferior, or experience lack of self worth

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: considerate of the needs of others, and cognizant of ensuring their comfort, e.g. a host that gifts a basket of bath products to each guest on arrival at a group event
➖ Negative: a passive aggressive approach, where someone knows what you like, and provides the exact opposite in order to irritate you, or push their own agenda in a subtle way

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: taking time to discover if there are any potential allergies to the bath products selected, or choosing popular scents that are frequently used, or options that are least likely to cause irritation
➖ Negative: to continue our example of the gift baskets, the pedantic person would make sure they found out each person's exact favorite scent for the bath products selected, visiting multiple stores to fill their exact list, which must see each basket contain exactly the same range of products and options, down to the style of basket used, in each appropriate color of course

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: the ability to be able to use money wisely, to make smart and logical decisions, knowing when to invest more for quality, and when to be price savvy
➖ Negative: only making use of second hand stores and hand me downs, and never willing to invest in quality items, even when quality would be more sustainable

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: when budget concerns are a priority and survival is top of mind; the ability to be able to make a little bit go a long way; it may not be pretty, but it will get the job done - for now anyway
➖ Negative: prioritizing price over all other considerations, and always buying the cheapest option, regardless of other influencing factors, e.g. buying at the 80% off sale, just because the items were 80% off, especially when they are items you would never normally consider buying at full price

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: elegant, refined and classic gems and attitudes that span across the ages, and have universal appeal, such as grace, mercy, compassion, forgiveness, wisdom
➖ Negative: material wealth such as gems and precious metals, that are highly valued for their monetary value, and are a risk throughout the ages, e.g. the sacking of graves, tombs, pyramids and other burial chambers

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: fun and lighthearted gimmicks, such as songs like 'gangnam style', that excite the contemporary population for a brief period, uniting them in a common energy of having fun
➖ Negative: continually evolving high priced fashion that sees women spend way in excess of what is feasible, in order to keep up with the trends

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: willing to listen to and hear opposing opinions
➖ Negative: barely accepting the presence; only grudgingly putting up with in order to get the situation or obligation over with as quickly as possible

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: having a favorable bias towards a specific element or group, as a result of positive personal experience, but still judging each individual case on its personal merits
➖ Negative: discriminating against a group, characteristic, or idea, based on the belief that that element is inferior to the comparable aspect within the self, e.g. you're black, and I'm white, so therefore I am better-mentality

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: easy to collaborate and work with, a pleasure to run into or be paired off with
➖ Negative: easily swayed or convinced, coming across as unreliable, flaky, two-faced and hypocritical

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: does not find it difficult to say no, or point or the risks or concerns; is not afraid (as much), to offend people by revealing the truth
➖ Negative: repeated negative sentiment can drain hope and enthusiasm, killing motivation and forward momentum, stopping a project in its tracks, and reducing the willingness of participants to contribute over the long term

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: confidence in the authenticity and reliability of another who has proven themselves over a period of time, and in various circumstances
➖ Negative: offering blind trust to someone you barely know, and giving them access to personal details that could lead to them taking advantage of you, or stealing resources from you

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: retaining an air of innocence and an easy going nature that makes them fun to joke and kid with; an almost childlike innocence despite the traumas and experiences that could have jaded them otherwise
➖ Negative: naivety that stems from ignorance due to being too closely shielded and guarded, or from a general lack of knowledge and know how

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: revealing the honest facts about a situation or element, without omission or embellishment that could skew the perspective of the listener in a certain direction
➖ Negative: revealing facts to someone, that while truthful, are designed to cause the listener psychic (mental and emotional) pain and tension, with their revelation

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: the identification that an idea or theory does not apply to a certain element; a verbal and intellectual measure by which we can distinguish that something is not relevant to something, e.g. the pregnancy test was false because the woman was not pregnant; false is the word that enables us to express that concept
➖ Negative: negatively aspected, false means untruth, or lies; so the truth without all the facts (omission), or embellished in some way, added to and dramatized to skew the perspective of the listener to the speaker's stance

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: the ability to bring together, unite and mold into a coherent process or team that can collaborate to work together as a seamless whole
➖ Negative: the merging of mentality, such as in cults, where free thinking and individual expression are discouraged, and members become blind followers, wielding a few key principles as facts, without taking the time to verify the authenticity of the of the 'truths' they are spreading

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: ego separates larger pieces of soul into smaller individuated identities, that act with autonomy; a child separates from its parents at an appropriate age, going out to participate in the world and live a life of their design
➖ Negative: losing an organ or appendage; divorce that separates a family unit; creating a wedge between two people

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: gives freely and is willing to share of the resources that are available, generous and giving, within reason
➖ Negative: giving too much of the self and ones own resources, leaving no time, space, energy or resources to take care of your own needs, or burning out

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: setting boundaries that help you maintain balance and sanity; making space for pursuits and activities that fill your tanks, invigorating you
➖ Negative: refusing to share with others, greedily withholding resources, time and energy, especially when you have excess

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: treating as precious and cherished, and offering protection commensurate with how highly the item is valued
➖ Negative: cherishing purely for financial or monetary worth, or for the perceived status the object carries

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: exploiting a weakness to bring an enemy down for the greater good
➖ Negative: to purposefully manipulate someone in order to swindle, cheat or otherwise con or defraud them

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: living by strict moral and ethical code, often inspired by a religious or spiritual conviction, and including a vow of chastity and celibacy
➖ Negative: believing one's actions, deeds, ideals and principles are superior by default, and acting superior to others, particularly those who disagree; faked sexual chastity in order to entrap a man, i.e. 'withholding sex'

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: highly renowned because of an expertise of level of mastery in a field or arena
➖ Negative: infamous characters who are revered for the excitement and drama in their lives, rather than for an area of achievement that would justify the level of public recognition they have achieved

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: to be gentle and approachable, welcoming and gregarious, with an energy that invites people in and makes them feel comfortable to be around you
➖ Negative: experiencing an uncomfortable surge in (physical, mental or emotional) temperature that unsettles the system

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖
➕ Positive: excited and in overdrive to achieve a passion or goal; a peak build up anticipation, surging right before the expected moment of release
➖ Negative: running an uncomfortably high (physical, mental or emotional) temperature, that runs the risk of doing damage to the system it is so extreme, e.g. extreme anger that results in a violent act

You?  ➕  ➖
Other?  ➕  ➖

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